Old Bones of the River

Old Bones of the River is a comedy film released in 1938 starring British actor Will Hay with Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt and directed by Marcel Varnel. The film is a spoof of the 1935 movie, Sanders of the River, and has been described as the most comprehensive trashing of the British Empire ever put on celluloid.

As he arrives still trying to learn the native language via recordings, Professor Tibbetts is tricked into sneaking a gin still into the country by a local prince. Later, Tibbetts makes his way to Kombooli High, where his students wear Eton collars alongside their native garb. Tibbetts dons a mortarboard and safari shorts due to the heat.When the Commissioner falls ill with a dose of malaria, Tibbetts is forced to take over his duties, which include collecting the taxes. Upriver, he finds an old paddlesteamer operated by Harbottle Moore Marriott and Albert Graham Moffatt the threesome rescue a baby from death by sacrifice. ........

Source: Wikipedia